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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. Not THAT bad, but canny shite. What I found incredicle was the cavalcade of international crew members that were knocked off one by one to leave only the white crew for the final reel. Was that intentional? Was it meant to be taking the piss out of the B-movie convention? Because it was otherwise very earnest. Otherwise I thought it was acceptable until the unknown crew mwmber arrived and it went drastically down hill in terms of creditability as well as story telling which became as confused as hell. I dont think it was that deep. Just not a very good movie in my opinion.
  2. Agreed. You're both shitting me. I agree about Roeder being better than Souness in the similar time frames they were in, but Roeder couldn't motivate a bunch of rapists in a dark ladies changing-room. Remember the 2nd leg of the AZ match? Shit, getting that West-Ham team relegated and if it wasn't for Oba and Sibierski we would have gone down last season =/ The team look well motivated now don't they??? And XXXL Sam has a better squad. You're forgetting Roeder turned around a shite Souness team and got us Europe. Thats at least one good thing. Sam has not impressed me one bit so far. Horrible style of play. Defensively shocking despite not attacking at all. Players out of position. Flopped BIG name signings (although you could argue Duff for Roeder as well )
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjHXkOEx_Ao that was actually a lovely team goal. Spread the ball well. One-twos. A bit of wing wizardy. BOSH!
  4. Its certainly something that can be worked on in training though. I have no reason to believe he cant improve his game as he gets older.
  5. I think there is a fine line between a player being good or bad. Helps when you play in a good team and to the personnels strengths though.
  6. Krul got sent off yesterday, didnt he?
  7. That rumour did the rounds, although it was that Shearer was involved in the interviewing process and Allardyce (quite rightly imo) had a problem with that as Shearer was still a player. Assuming it was true. Wasn't that Martin O'Neill ?
  8. Then we can sign Nicky Hunt & Ricardo Gardener. Sorted. Oh wait, we had a better defensive record last season...
  9. I actually think Roeder was better than Souness and is currently better than XXXL Sam.
  10. Lack of sex is her problem, and with a mackem heed like hers is it any surprise? She gans on like she's had her cunt sown up tbh. You've slipped in to Stevie-talk Alex.
  11. Maybe because he is getting the best out of his players? Maybe its because he has done well on a limited budget? Perhaps its even because his team plays decent football? All things the Fatman can't seem to get right - at the moment. On a side note. Bentley is looking a top class player. He's had a lot more time too. They were fairly dour, albeit solid too, when he first arrived. Either way they are only just doing better than us so I don't see why he's doing so well this season. See above points
  12. Maybe because he is getting the best out of his players? Maybe its because he has done well on a limited budget? Perhaps its even because his team plays decent football? All things the Fatman can't seem to get right - at the moment. On a side note. Bentley is looking a top class player.
  13. Wheres the option for: After defeat at Stoke?
  14. Was just talking about him with my mate last week. I think he is a decent manager. 1 bad season at Blackburn after getting them Europe tarnished his rep imo.
  15. Like you're an expert.... FFS. We've had loads of this-is-our-man-OH-NO-he-is-a-shit manager . Just look at XXL Sam. Was there any evidence our best manager over the last 30+ years didn't have ANY managerial experience ??
  16. Agreed, and respect to him too for tearing up his contract and accepting he'd lost the plot and going with no compensation. You can always respect someone for sticking to their opinions however different they may be. Would gladly buy Gullit a pint. Wouldnt go that far tbh!
  17. Probably off his face. Nice to know he is looking after his body during the busy Chrimbo programme.
  18. What risk? Another year of drivel? We arent guaranteed success even if we bring in Mourinho imo.
  19. Flyn or Fin? Do you want the boy to be a homo?
  20. Given is the least of our problems to be honest. We looked better defensively when Harper was in goal though Possibly. I've always rated Harper. I thought it was a shame XXXXXXXL Sam dropped him.
  21. Given is the least of our problems to be honest.
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