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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. The Wrestler. Superb acting from Rourke and Tomei. Thoroughly enjoyable, gritty, sad and occasionally funny. 8.5/10
  2. Did he die from an art attack then?
  3. Teeth - Not sure how this B Movie got such a huge release A History of Violence - Had potential but never really reached any heights
  4. To be fair to him he has a point. Should keep his mouth shut though. He cant be expected to work miracles with (loads of) players wanting to leave, no strength in depth, turmoil up above etc etc etc
  5. To sum up. Peaspud likes no-brain, non-stop action movies but doesnt like well acted, dark comedies.
  6. To be fair, Simon Weston was fighting for his country...
  7. Must be about £14m. Thats a lot of money.
  8. We wouldnt name the players we were in negotiations with. Not even JFK is that stupid. Its clearly just a smoke screen message to fool us into thinking something is actualling happening on the transfer front.
  9. I have mate who supports Luton. He was telling me that Kinnear used to do exactly the same sort of things when he is was in charge of them. eg: Say x players would be signing but never hear a whisper days later.
  10. Edgar - Bassong - Colo - N'Zogbia I suspect Charlie might be pushed into midfield as Duff will probably have to play up front with Owen... Should be an interesting team selection anyway.
  11. Whats the defence going to be then???
  12. Last week he said he had no interest in going back to France.
  13. Wise getting the job would probably be the best thing to happen tbh. The public venom directed his way coupled with not getting results would see him out of this club soopa quick !
  14. Didn't think ginger people could stand the heat.......
  15. Looked like they were joking on the way down to the tunnel to me.
  16. Although im sure they are a very nice boot i hate the Umbro sign. Therefore I never buy the product. World Cups are normally my choice although i've been sporting some Nike Total 90 Strike this season which I wont buy again.
  17. I have to agree with that. Times are changing. Hopefully, we will appreciate what we've got now a bit more.
  18. We were soldiers. I had this recorded on my PVR for nearly 2 years. Finally watched it. Decent enough. A poor mans Saving Private Ryan though.
  19. I was going to start this thread yesterday...but declined out of bad taste!
  20. Ive got the 2 disc special with Desperado on the other one. Never got around to watching El Mariachi. Does Hayek at least get her chebs out? Well she might have done had she been in the film! Although there is no other chebbage so I doubt it. I thought she was in the original as well. Must be getting confused.
  21. Ive got the 2 disc special with Desperado on the other one. Never got around to watching El Mariachi. Does Hayek at least get her chebs out?
  22. Series 2 was the best imo. I felt a little let down by 3 but it was still an excellent series over all.
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