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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. Llambias Watch: update. Well that was nightmare journey. The flight ended up being 6 hours late but I tell you what, it was all worth it just to see his little pissed off face.
  2. I can confirm the newspaper he was reading was.......yes you've guessed it...... screws of the world. Class act.
  3. I got a picture of him from behind. Will post it later when I get home. He is wearing a shit leather jacket. Looks second hand. Seems desperate to get to London tonight. Was talking about getting am alternative flight to heathrow as well as getting his driver (probably CT tbh).
  4. The stench was too much. Flight has been delayed by 3.5 hours. I havent seen him take advantage of the complimentary refreshment vouher yet although he was reading the football pullout when I left the gate to get my free burger king. I'm surprised he is flying FlyBe like. Big Fat Mike is probably to tight to lend him his chopper.
  5. Newcastle airport. Delayed flight to Gatwick. Wasn't sure if it was him at first but he talked about getting a driver to get him & his wife to London. He used the name Wendy when addressing her.
  6. I think you are correct. They obviously know how much we already hate them so another protest is water off a ducks back. The must think know matter how much they mis-treat the fans they are still going to get a good crowd. The only way to oust them is to stop buying tickets.
  7. I've got loads of full-seasons in shoe boxes in my mothers loft. (Every home game). Might try and flog them in a few years.
  8. Most South Africans i've met are. I can remember speaking to one client. SA bloke: "Im not racist or anything, but I woulndt let them in the same pool as me" "Why not ?" "Cos they shit in the pool" I bumped into a lovely old couple in Perth (Oz) a few years ago who had emigrated to NZ from SA. "Why did you leave SA?" "cos of the blacks" I thought they were joking at first.
  9. I'd do the red noggin from the one sbow, Kenny. I'd also destroy Alex Jones. DESTROY.
  10. Whats the point in giving him a long term contract if they can sack him and only pay 6 months?
  11. Perfect opportunity for Cameron to turn this around now. Spin away.
  12. The best thing is it probably could have happened !
  13. In the Summer I would have accepted a bid. However, he has seemingly turned the corner and is now an asset. I suspect a lot of wheeling and dealing in January with Pardew trying to get his own players in.
  14. Cheers beeyatches. Quiet one tonight but i'm going to get smashed tomorrow and lob some verbal abuse at the "Toxic Twins", watch some footy then get smashed a bit more. Hopefully win as well !
  15. You'd have thought Lambarse would have accompanied him to the press conference as well, rather than throwing him to the wolves. I get your point, but as Gemmill said, the questions were pandering and not exactly aggressive. To Pardew, yes. However, if Dekka had of been there then the hacks would have asked for clarity on why Hughton was given the bullet.
  16. You'd have thought Lambarse would have accompanied him to the press conference as well, rather than throwing him to the wolves.
  17. I'm somewhere in between silence and booing at the moment.
  18. Mods, can we ban Contrary Tit from Newcastle Forum and any politics threads? He is okay when not on the windup. To be honest, if I put a poll up of the "What is your favourite Star Wars?" I'd guarantee he'd pick Phantom Menace - after viewing the poll results of course.
  19. We do, but do you really think he can do better than Hughton on a similar budget? No-one understands why he has been sacked. More experience? Big name manager to attract a better calibre of player? Entrusted with a big budget? No. None of that. An honourable man like Hughton has seemingly lost his job for no other reason than Pardew is a mate of the Toxic Twins.
  20. It feels like the love of your life has just dumped you and you dont have a clue why.
  21. The upper tier will be closed next season, I'm telling you that now. I certainly wouldn't be getting a season ticket if I lived local.
  22. Living miles away i dont get too many games so its always a bit of novelty coming back. I love going to St James's even when apathy had set in so i think I will still go on the odd occasion. I'm very tempted to say I wont but when I calm down I think I will. Of course if any of Tiote, Enrique and Carroll are sold in January or the Summer then that might break my resolve. A knock out blow so to speak.
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