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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. So did Scott Carson, Matthew Upson, Michael Dawson, Jeff Thomas, Carlton Palmer, Mick-ey Grayuh, Sewpa Kev, Gavin McCann...... Did Gavin McCann really play for England??? Sven picked him iirc Just checked his wiki and that is accurate. Unbelievable that such a substandard player can play for Engalnd One cap wonder though I think. Aye. Like Alan Thompson.
  2. So did Scott Carson, Matthew Upson, Michael Dawson, Jeff Thomas, Carlton Palmer, Mick-ey Grayuh, Sewpa Kev, Gavin McCann...... Did Gavin McCann really play for England??? Sven picked him iirc Just checked his wiki and that is accurate. Unbelievable that such a substandard player can play for Engalnd
  3. So did Scott Carson, Matthew Upson, Michael Dawson, Jeff Thomas, Carlton Palmer, Mick-ey Grayuh, Sewpa Kev, Gavin McCann...... Did Gavin McCann really play for England???
  4. Had a similar problem with the shite company that is Fasthosts. Ended up paying £120 (or thereabouts) to renew my hosting package (that I no longer wanted or used) for a year. Wankers didn't even send me a courtesy email before it was due to expire to let me know. And on top of all that, because the card details they had on record for me were out of date, they tried charging me an additional £20 for late fucking payment! There really are some cuntish (sorry Cath) company's about. They are known as FarceHosts in the industry. Avoid at all costs.
  5. Im sure British Rail were faultless as well. Not that I can remember ever using them. My train experiences (Southern Rail) are pretty good. Rarely late but I don't use them daily anyway.
  6. Darren Bent lives in Newcastle (and I bet a load of them do as well). Says it all really. Can you imagine if Leon Best decided to find a house in Sunderland?
  7. Not in my experience. Cheaper to fly from London to Newcastle.
  8. He is just a slight upgrade on Best. Not worth it.
  9. I think the PL should be make them install one if they stay up this season.
  10. Top 10 means a mid table team. Smells like Elmander or something like that with Swedish link.
  11. Cameron Jeromes agent must be the best in the business.
  12. Oh yeh, didn get him because of that I was typing his name in but it just wasnt working. I got fed up after that.
  13. The Smith slaggings are a bit over the top especially when Guthrie was turbo-poop-cack when played recently. There is no-one in our squad that could lace Tiotes beautiful white boots and thats the main problem.
  14. Its not looking good at the moment. Enrique - ill (hopefully be ok) Tiote - out Big AC - Possibly out Jonas - Possibly out The Mackem Destroyer - Possibly out Their situation is looking just as bleak, if not worse. Smith for Tiote (along with Perch for Jose) makes my sphincter twitch more than anything.
  15. Its not looking good at the moment. Enrique - ill (hopefully be ok) Tiote - out Big AC - Possibly out Jonas - Possibly out The Mackem Destroyer - Possibly out
  16. One of them had a nickname. Whats all that about?
  17. I bet he is lying about the 0.5 as well. "A quick measure". Like anyone doesnt know their height.
  18. Did you have hair like Jedward? I think that little white lie sums you up really.
  19. Probably told him to get it just so he could jajajajajajjajaja at him.
  20. Aye I've said for ages that a burrito shop in the town would make a killing. The way they roll them up in foil when you take them away makes them perfect hand-warmers for cold nights out too. One of the things I really miss about living in California is the lack of decent Mexican food over here. I was talking about the exact same thing on Saturday night. Its fairly cheap food as well.
  21. Just got on with it. I didnt really have an appetite for learning (especially when the subjects didnt interest me) when I was younger. More interested in kicking a football around.
  22. The red tops are desperate to get a story on him, So far he has had a few shots with him and his mates and shagged a bird. Keep digging.
  23. If the lad had of moved his body infront of the challenge then it could of been very nasty. Great tackle in the end, but it was pretty dangerous regardless.
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