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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. Currently debating what to get. Will get it done before start of new season. I already have two shit tattoos.
  2. Sean Neave who has never kicked a ball for NUFC and may never get an appearance has a league cup winners medal. 🥇
  3. It’s going to have to be a big pre-match ritual.
  4. I think we can all take some credit for this. I had a wank over Denise Welch.
  5. Everyone of them were 10/10. Livramento and Burn being the pick. Fucking. Get. In. Tattoo incoming
  6. We’ve pressed pretty hard. It’s a big pitch so we are going to tire in the second half as well.
  7. 45 mins of pressure incoming. Can’t see Liverpool being that shit in the second half.
  8. why would you predict this…FFS, have you learned nothing from the PSG game?
  9. Why are Sky Sports on ITV ? Is this normal?
  10. They’ve got a good chance of winning the Europa league. I suspect they’ll wait for that at least.
  11. I’m not nervous at all. Pessimists generally never are.
  12. I’ve always said I’d get a NUFC tattoo if we ever win anything. I think I’m safe for another year lads.
  13. challenging wank but if it brings a cup home it’ll be all worth it.
  14. The last 3 cup finals I haven’t had a wank on the day. Today i’m going to get a pic out of Rebecca Ferguson and go to town on it. it’s in the stars the lads.
  15. Not good results for us so far. Hopefully Brentford can turn the tide.
  16. we haven’t beaten PenaltyPool for 17 games now. law of averages…😂
  17. We haven’t even scored a goal in the last 3 finals. Shearer was the closest. Depressing. Let’s hope we can at least lay a glove on them.
  18. I went to both 98 and 99 finals. We failed to turn up for both. That’s 3 finals in my lifetime now. I suspect a 4th non-performance is incoming.
  19. The Sunday night blues are going to be epic.
  20. Im one glass of port in and am starting believe. By P4 I'll be sure of it.
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