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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/25 in all areas

  1. Is he driving you home pissed?
    9 points
  2. You wait 70 years for a bus and then none fucken turn up!
    8 points
  3. I told the wife I was off this afternoon to get the kids’ names tattooed on my arm. Came back with this.
    5 points
  4. Reminds me of this classic from when Twitter wasn't full fash yet:
    5 points
  5. they had a 1.5 million people rock up in london to protest the Iraq war, 3 million apparently in rome. this happened without any fucker worrying about how many portaloos were available or whether or not it would be advisable to stock up on elastoplasts. honestly man, you've spent far too much time amongst fucking coppers you.
    5 points
  6. Nice to have it confirmed that Graeme Jones basically kept us up when he came in the door. There’s another one who has massively earned this current success. Was basically managing the side for that fat cunt
    5 points
  7. I always knew he'd benefit from Rafa's hard work and relentless drilling for a few months as well which had certain pundits laughing at us saying he's doing better than Rafa and such like. Bloke's a fraud.
    5 points
  8. George Foreman In accordance with his wishes, he will be grilled instead of cremated
    5 points
  9. 4 points
  10. "I just want to see the parade, the players and the bus!" "Fuck off! You didn't register your interest in the appropriate queue, sir. Get him in the van constable, make sure you don't bang his head on the way in. [Cough, ahem]"
    4 points
  11. They’ve badly misread the memo on this one. And they can go on about needing to understand numbers all they like, I don’t remember any booking system for Covent Garden or Trafalgar Square 2 years ago yet neither had an ounce of issue. Prioritising interest lists is what’s got my back up. ST holders had that for the final itself, now they want to double-down and given them priority to see a trophy most of them have already seen once already? Priority should be neutral on this. Last parade I remember was in 1993. No tickets, no registered interest, just an open top bus from Gosforth to the Civic Centre with tens of thousands lining the streets to greet the team. It was magical - in many ways because there was minimal organisation.
    4 points
  12. Aye spot on that. A fenced off celebration is in the interests of nobody. I don't even think it's got anything to do with selling hotdogs - the amount raised would be paltry and irrelevant. It's just a shit idea from people that fundamentally don't get it.
    4 points
  13. Have listened to the whole thing now, never heard Gayle talk before. Some decent insights from him but the whole thing is let down by the two barely comprehensible porridge wogs asking the questions
    4 points
  14. It's as well he's died, I don't know how he would have picked just one to take to the town Moor.
    4 points
  15. My laddie has started playing for an under 15 team, so that’s my new Saturday morning passtime. I thought watching NUFC was intense, but when you actually have skin in the game it’s a whole new level
    4 points
  16. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DHWda_dO5r6/?igsh=MWgxcWJ3bmVuOGc1Mg==
    4 points
  17. Absolutely no surprise he didn’t do any of the actual training/coaching either. Actual remember a story from the days of Fat Sam. Where there was the block put on some coach, can’t remember who now, linking up with the England set up during an international break. The reason being that Allardyce wasn’t capable of taking training sessions for the players who weren’t on international duty. Because he’s another fraud. Although Bruce is probably on a whole different level when it came to doing fuck all.
    4 points
  18. There are literally thousands of pages on it on the SMB marra. To sum up, Mags are gravy stained scum who support NUFC. Most Geordie are too, except the ones who support Sunderland for whatever reason. It's entirely acceptable to support Sunderland if you're from Northumberland, but if you support Newcastle from anywhere within the historic boundaries of county Durham, including Gateshead and the whole millennium bridge, you're the worst kind of gravy stained scum. Oh aye, and to be a geordie you need to be born within 100 yards of SJP And SJP is a shit tip but also a perfectly good stadium so we don't need a new stadium on Leazes Park.
    3 points
  19. That’s a coincidence, I’ve changed my kids’ names to those.
    3 points
  20. The fucks I could give are smaller than Gemmill’s cock.
    3 points
  21. The fucking size of his arms- can you imagine even a mild slap off him, never mind a fully weighted punch?
    3 points
  22. The thing I find remarkable having listened to that is they gave Bruce the game against Spurs. Bloke is an absolute tactical fraud who is just a ‘name’ rather than a talent. There’s a reason he was never selected for England… Totally vindicates the shit Alex Bruce used to get too.
    3 points
  23. I'm not a facebooker so this has been nicked from the other messageboard courtesy of paully. its by keith barrett and is absolutely fucking spot on. I would also add these few lines of my own thoughts..... whichever fucking thundercunt thought it was a good idea to 'prioritise' registering an interest in going to the town moor from season ticket holders down to the lowly general public. we're all newcastle supporters you fucking moron, there is no prioritising, fuck off out of OUR club you CUNT. here.... Looks like they have rained on the parade, turning a celebratory day into another ‘experience’ The ballot road to enjoyment Telling folk how to celebrate the love of their team An enjoyment advisory service organised by people who wear suits and false smiles and have never been to Exeter or Shrewsbury Strangling self expression and spontaneity of Geordie folk who have have promoted enjoyment in the face of adversity for a football life time, just look in any Newcastle Upon Tyne pub on a match day, despite the result on the pitch, Geordie’s are the masters of enjoyment, we probably bloody invented it, but now, we need to be instructed on how to behave celebrating our teams cup triumph I dunno about you, but I don’t need to be listening to a DJ to enthuse me, telling me ‘to make some noise’ I don’t need modern day ‘tunes’ to fire up my vocal chords, I just need my fellow Geordies to be as one, a few choruses of The Blaydon Races, sang at a proper speed, I need smiles and appreciation of the teams achievement Just a natural reaction Just be normal I don’t want to see Darren Eales cheesy grin pretending he’s been waiting a life time for this day, telling us this is only the beginning Promising global domination and support from all over the world It’s now, that’s what it is, and if we never win another trophy again let us enjoy this one, this time, our time, now Let the Geordie people line the streets with bed sheets and flags and songs, local songs that lift the Geordie heart in celebration of our team, the kids, the not so wealthy, the Grannies and Grandads that can no longer get into the match let alone get their hands on a Wembley ticket, just let the people say thanks to the team that have given us at long last something that we all just dreamed of The only stage needed is an open top bus rolling slowly through the streets up to St James’s Park amidst a sea of black and white Don’t give tradition another kick in the bollocks and turn a celebration into a circus or an American style contrived extravaganza We are not anybody else We are us A people with our own identity We don’t need to be told how to celebrate, we have just realised a lifetimes dream Leave us alone, we have been alone most of our football lives And through that trophy less loneliness we have built a togetherness comparable to nothing else like it Let us get on with our celebration in our own imitable way Just keep it simple, keep it real, and most of all keep it Geordie Let the wheels on the bus go around and around
    3 points
  24. Does it also clean windows ?
    3 points
  25. This is Rob speaking. I want to hear from Wee Rabbie. He wouldn't talk like this.
    3 points
  26. Well… if he just put “George Foreman” as the kids name, he could get at least 5 in, and maybe Georgette. Also, who the fuck would stop him?
    3 points
  27. Said England didn't look like a team that believed they could win the last tournament, they looked more like a team that just wanted to stay in. Said they looked scared to lose rather than believing they could win. The truth, basically.
    3 points
  28. the first time me and mrs tbd went to ozora festival was in 2007, while we were waiting in the queue to get wristbands on somebody tapped me on the shoulder and asked if they could take some photos of my tattoo. turns out they were a swedish couple who knew the the music producer artax but were also very good friends with the lad who did the cd artwork, they said he'd be absolutely delighted. I think this probably made me the 2nd most famous person in sweden after abba at the time, only recently demoted to 3rd since alexandra isak came along.
    3 points
  29. Called him a boring cunt then put You Porn on his phone.
    3 points
  30. That old yank cunt will already have his flights booked. The club will probably let him play the bass guitar with the live band and allow him to lift the trophy as well. "Hey they fellow toon guys. I'm delighted to have been personally invited to witness the Newcastle Mag Boys lifting the esteemed coca-cola championship trophy. I've just landed here in jolly old town this morning on a private jet personally piloted by Darren Eales. Now the moment you've all been waiting for, listen to me shred it to killing in the name of. Just kidding, it's free bird. Howay the guys."
    3 points
  31. That one is only available in lancasherrrr.
    2 points
  32. I had to put subtitles on but didnt help, was like listening to Bradd Pitt in Snatch
    2 points
  33. This sounds like conjugating whotsits at school. I fromed you fromed we fromed he /she/it fromed they fromulated
    2 points
  34. Dunno, at laptop with sound off (second part's right though)
    2 points
  35. Try and remember it’s meant to be fun (easier said than done )
    2 points
  36. Love him to bits but thought he had nowt to do first half except head some balls and lots of easy passes. 2nd half, each time someone had a go at him, he came off 2nd best, and these were Albanians. I think the world’s elite would be too much for him. Lovely he’s won a cap, but I’d be suprised if he gets to the finals.
    2 points
  37. The bloke was a charlatan, nothing we didn't know but even now I have a loathing for his mates in the media sticking up for him and sticking the knife in the fans for having the temerity to call him out.
    2 points
  38. And just like that a new toontastic meme is born
    2 points
  39. they've been dignified in defeat tbh - fans and manager. Arsenal, take note
    2 points
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