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Zelensky has turned up to Downing Street to a big crowd cheering by the sound of it. Not gonna win him a war but he's having a better day than he did yesterday at least.5 points
Trump and Vance are an absolute pair of cunts who totally stitched Zelenskyy with their bait and switch tactics. From the opening quip on arrival, they had him in their sights. The first part of the meeting seemed fairly cordial but then they just went for his throat and it was their hatred for Biden and his support for him which they started with. The tirade Trump then went on showed how deranged he is. As an administration, they appear to be completely compromised by Russia so I don't know how the sane US operators behind the scenes will be playing it all out but if I was him, I'd be more concerned about the threat from his own agencies. From a UK perspective it appears any state visit won't be til next year anyway so given that we are just a month into this clown show, I'm sure there'll be plenty more stories to come to allow us to kick it down the road. This might be seen as a victory for Trump and his lap dog, but it's hopefully woken the world up to the dangers that this lot present. Europe needs to get it's shit together, and quickly.5 points
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There are no words. There are just no fucking words. Get the US out of our politics, this is a fucking clown show. Drop the dollar, work on our own continent and our own problems. Ban twitter. Some of the most shameful stuff I've ever seen.4 points
This has bothered me much more than it ought to. You have a man there who didn’t ask for this situation. He has been quietly courageous and unflinchingly courteous to his allies. Even yesterday he stopped off in Ireland on his way to America to meet the Taoiseach in Ireland. Now Ireland has taken in a lot of Ukrainian refugees but not provided much in the way of funds but he still had the courtesy to thank us on his way to one of the biggest meetings of his career. Then in the other corner you have two massive cunts basically belittling the man trying to fight a much larger opponent. Mocking him and pretty much telling him to beg for help. It makes me sick.4 points
This might please you (even if the 'translation' of the float slogan is painfully shit): https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/c04zzr73vgpo3 points
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Echo this. The POTUS is either compromised, insane, degenerate, or all of the above. I've personally said repeadly, as have many others, we need to split ties with this nation now. If you work for a US company, get a other job. Or at least perform poorly. Don't buy American products. Not hard, they're maiy shit. Give our elected leader some space. He's treading a thin space. Dissembling 80 years of mutual cooperation is difficult.3 points
I saw a post on Reddit today of the same breed, at a dog show, being shown and getting a medal. Fucking thing goes for the judge twice. And by goes for, I mean goes for in an XL Bulldog way. I fail to see why the fuck anyone would chose to have one of these dogs unless they have a tiny penis and/or are a complete cunt.3 points
I'm not sure. The people who voted for him will see this as Trump protecting American tax dollars and avoiding possible major conflict. The anti-war President as somehow he's managed to bill himself for many. I still feel it likely that sooner or later the wheels will fall off the utter madness and chaos that this administration is currently whipping up, and leave it unmasked as the maneauverings of a wannabe dictator rather than a revolutionary, but if not there are aspects of everything they're doing that will garner more support from his fan base and further divide the country.3 points
So uk don’t get tarriffs but in return the PM can’t support a man whose country is about to be carved up by the two biggest cunt-psychos on the planet?…another Brexit dividend 😑3 points
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Could you imagine HMHM with the yank glory hunters asking for an autograph too? Here is a prime example of one happy fan who got to make their dream a reality.3 points
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Aye, retrievers are bred to have “soft mouths”- they don’t lock their jaws on whatever they’re holding in them. Not that they couldn’t still give you a decent savaging, but the whole breed is designed to be compliant and subservient. Bulldogs, and specifically these XL abominations, are muscle bound biting machines designed to lock on and stay locked on. They’re bred to be fighting dogs. Yes, a little Staffy will be 99.9% soft as shite and lovely, but if it chose to give you a nip, you’d be hospitalised at least.2 points
I've only ever "met" one of these, and it was lush. I'm sure there are good owners that will have these dogs and never have a minute's bother with them, but as Renton says, if they go wrong you've got no chance. We bumped into an old couple with a retriever yesterday, and the old woman was saying it weighs 9 stone. They both walked with sticks btw, it was far too big for them to deal with. But if that's 9 stone, fuck knows what a Bully would weigh.2 points
Issue is surely, they're too powerful. A normal sized dig goes for you, it probably won't kill you. You could pull it off a kid etc. These though, you'd have no chance. They scare the fuck out of me. Last year I was on the beach and a ln unleashed pit bull cut me off my walk and just stared and growled at me. The owners took it away but I was fairly shook up.2 points
There's a European Security Summit in London tomorrow which Starmer is leading, and which couldn't be better timed really. He'll have to speak publicly after that, I would imagine. Zelensky is trying to mend the rift with Trump as well, but good luck with that probably.2 points
2 points
💯 Europe needs to beef up security, forget about the yanks and stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine2 points
What else could Zelensky do? He had to go to USA. He had to stand his corner. Trump had already made up his mind on Ukraine a long time ago. Zelensky’s mission was futile but he had to do it all the same.2 points
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We should probably retract that offer from the King. We can't be having that cunt over here after that.2 points
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That’s just embarrassing for America. You basically have two brain dead bullies ganging up on a head of state who is an ally. Forgetting diplomatic norms and all that it’s just really shit behaviour for some of the worst people on earth.2 points
Who the fuck is Josh Widdecome when he's spectacularly failing to be funny?2 points
Here we have John Smith from Newcastle who says he's voting reform in the next election, can we ask why? "Aye, yi can. Ah'm fuckin' sick of these forrins, wokes, and colourful flags aah'll owa the shop. Aah didn't sorve me country by avoiding the draft with me gout, and then gannin doon for 18 month for looking owa the cubicles at Elswick baths for these muslamics and tha ray guns. Aah'm voting Nigel coz he reckons he'll ha' them gone in 24 hours and aah love owt like that me, like. Aye, he's ganna dismantle the NHS, which means aah'll be deed within fowa weeks, and aah'll probablies lose me benefits but aa'll tell yi wot. I've got mesel a crate of carling and a cheap bottle of gin that aah'll fucking drink while aah watch aah'll them broon people get hoyed oot. Assuming aah haven't drank the lot by the end of the day like, which is canny likely if ah'm being totally honest."2 points
You'd just piss everyone off interrogating them on who they’ve given their tickets to. ”Yes, yes, Bruno, I know she’s your wife and that’s all well and good, but was your lass in the away end at Shrewsbury in Sept 1982, I think not”2 points
He's a certified dog nonce. But no, I'm not on blue sky or twitter and have no idea who you're referring to.2 points
I'd be happy being good around the dressing room for half his salary if anyone from NUFC is reading this?2 points
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Nah, he’s looked alright at best. He wouldn’t get a game at any other club chasing Europe. We need to be more ruthless if we are to keep progressing.2 points
1 point
It was a big cunt like. Head like a water melon. It's also possible this old woman had got her maths wrong.1 point
Pointless dealing with Trump at this point. The man's a psycho, quick to temper, and doesn't keep his word anyway. Europe needs to support Ukraine directly. But the loss of star link will be a major concern I imagine. UK/Europe need to also set up their own intelligence network ASAP. Also think we may have some leverage over the yanks regarding this.1 point
This will turn off even more Americans. Trump the mob boss with his weaselly consigliere trying to strong arm and embarrass Zelensky. He's fucking scum. Good for Zelensky for walking away.1 point
Fluffysnugglebugs 3 - Piles of stones they laughably call a fucking beach cunts 11 point
Avon and Somerset Police called Wednesday's XL bully attack "incredibly rare": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1d441203ndo Meanwhile, on fucking Monday: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7vzzrvrv4zo Proving the stopped clock theory, this is the one thing Suella Braverman has ever been right about.1 point
I can't see it as it's hidden, (wonder why?) Anyhow, here's 'windypants' mam after reading his thread..... "Good for you, Windypants! Glad someone had the guts to stand up to them at last! Coming over here, taking and our jobs and our women and acting like the own the feckin' place! Well done Windypants! Good for you! Good for you! I'd like to feckin'... [slipping and sliding on the muddy ground] Feckin' trendy, lefty, woke parents!"1 point
1 point
Lascelles is hard as fuck - he probably just took one look at his cabbaged ACL and threatened to wallop the cunt and it healed immediately and stronger than it was before.1 point
We've as much chance of winning this cup than we've had for a few years I reckon, (providing Man City don't not ramp up too much too quickly), I'll be gutted if we go out with a whimper.1 point
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