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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/24 in all areas

  1. Burnsie forgetting to switch accounts when replying to himself.
    11 points
  2. Okay. Who's hacked @Christmas Tree ?
    6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. The old west stand on Barrack Road? This was a few years before the huge “Newcastle United FC” lettering which I remember so vividly from my youth. That appeared in 1971
    5 points
  5. The mackems doing similar for their away shirt with the difference being that the retro crest matches the shirt. Hummel have done a decent job TBF although I hope and am confident they'll be paying the club buttons.
    4 points
  6. I just think (and it’s like any job when new people come in) finding out what they’re like and just pointing out that he doesn’t want any big changes to his role, or anyone acting the cunt. Personally I thought it was a positive interview, or not as negative as some seem to think. Time will tell …I don’t think England would suit Eddie at all, not yet anyway.
    4 points
  7. Callum Wilson, the ultimate false 9.
    4 points
  8. No big club gives the manager free rein nowadays. Howe will leave the club one day, what we don’t need is the entire system leaving along with him.
    4 points
  9. Remember when Trump withheld foreign aid to Ukraine because they refused to investigate Hunter Biden in the run up to the election ...
    3 points
  10. An 80s badge on a 2000s homage? Im not massively impressed with the Adidas kits this year if I'm being honest. Half arsed attempts at nostalgia. Some of the Adidas originals stuff looks good, but its chance to cost a fortune
    3 points
  11. So you didn’t balk at the news?
    3 points
  12. Sky has always been infected.
    3 points
  13. Are we making up arguments in our heads and getting annoyed by them now?
    3 points
  14. This summer as per the “e-Mags” as I have just coined the uber entitled click-whore cohort of our online support. They’re fucking insufferable and they’re not just confined to their mams’ basements in their three weeks in without a break y fronts… there’s loads just fucking miserable as fuck among our support
    2 points
  15. Obviously watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy back to back to show Mitchell what strong characters we have had at the club with an example of Fraser and Ritchie were carrying the ring to Mt Doom.
    2 points
  16. first time I ever went in there was in the middle(ish) paddock for the nottingham forest pitch invasion game. as a younger kid there was a turnstile just out of view in the bottom photo that was right in the corner of the west stand/gallowgate, we'd climb on the concrete roof of it and watch from there till the coppers made you get down, probably only 8 or 9 year old then!
    2 points
  17. That adidas originals trackie top is lush. I like the plain looking black and white training gear Eddie Howe has been seen sporting too. Other than that I agree with others it’s all a bit bland and / or they’ve got the eras mixed up with the wrong badges and stuff. Slightly in defence of the adidas design team, we must have one of the oldest / longest running current badges in top flight English football, which makes it a bit more awkward to match the retro badges with the right kit. Especially as we still had that badge in the 90s adidas / NUFC halcyon days.
    2 points
  18. He saw aliens once. Subsequently he went on an Alien conspiracy theory show travelling around the USA.
    2 points
  19. who the fuck is burnsie? never heard of him. might as well be some young pop star type that the kids like, never heard of any of them fuckers either.
    2 points
  20. I think the club should do everything in its power to keep Eddie happy. He's the 21st century Keegan, and I'd struggle to see anyone come in with his passion for the club, ambition and attractive football, as well as his contribution in giving us a club we should all be proud of. He galvanises the fans and players alike and seems to have a clear vision about how we should play, some other clubs at the top of the PL would cry for that kind of direction. As long as he finishes the season with us in a Euro position then I don't think he would bail out or be pushed out.
    2 points
  21. She’s so thick she’s forgotten where her tits are.
    2 points
  22. he's not thinking straight mate. not surprising really when your club is playing not one, but two huge european games in the iconic pinatar arena. once in a lifetime experience.
    2 points
  23. Good luck? It's a fucking friendly you hirsute scruff.
    2 points
  24. They've outlined where he was found in chalk
    2 points
  25. Devastated there’s only the four quadrants, so no space for a ‘No surrender’ let alone a ‘FTM’
    2 points
  26. Who the fuck is this cunt? 👆
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. This music follows CT around in the background.
    2 points
  29. The security bloke when the fantastic support which he's never seen the likes of before left to go to another bar.....
    2 points
  30. you might mock with the post above, however this daft cunt here is moved to tears man, overwhelmed with it all in fact. the very pinnacle of his bucket list.....
    2 points
  31. "Herr Fuhrer, according to our intelligence the mackems are playing a couple of friendlies away from home." "It's alright, it'll probably just be another game like Gateshead at the international stadium where they might even get beat again." "Herr Fuhrer, it's..... it's a friendly in Alicante against a Spanish mid table second tier club." "For fucks sake! This changes absolutely everything! How are we supposed to compete when they're arranging European glamour friendlies like this?! Get on the phone to Riyadh and arrange the sale of NUFC immediately!"
    2 points
  32. Precisely. Thats the chief role of a DoF, continuity in football policy & culture across the whole club
    2 points
  33. “ffs Dougle I know it’s Saturday but I’ve told you before, no Whyte & McKay before 10am”
    2 points
  34. He's 29 until he becomes 30. That's how it works.
    2 points
  35. The season 22/23 season wasn't as bad as the others. Get another striker is we can rotate with him and I think he can still be a big asset to the club. BUT no doubt he will want to be starting. I'll ask him next time I see him.
    2 points
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