The only way Labour get me back on side for this is if they literally come out and say that they will 100% give us a referendum with remain as an option. No more deals, negotiations, whatever, just a fucking referendum. If they can announce that loudly and clearly, I will vote for them.
If we had another vote, and people were able to look at the ACTUAL options (i.e. No Deal, May's Deal, Remain) and they still voted for even No Deal, I would accept it.
The unconscionable, undemocratic and totally fucking stupid position we're now in with the country being split hasn't come about because Remainers can't accept the result of a referendum, it's come about because the Tories have been free to interpret the outcome of an almost 50:50 vote as a mandate to get the most extreme version of the outcome possible, for which they are prepared to actually break apart the fucking country. The position we find ourselves was never credibly discussed before the original vote, and is the reason why this desperately needs another referendum. If the country votes to annihilate itself next time out, I firmly believe most Remainers will just accept it sadly. But we are the only ones in the country at the moment who can actually see what has just happened for what it is, and we are not fucking wrong to be trying to stop it. The vote has been fucking hijacked by people who are at this point, effectively right wing extremists - all to save the fucking Tory party. Labour's total refusal to show some backbone on this issue has been an absolute disgrace, and I say this as someone who was firmly wedded to the Corbyn project. It's sickening. It's a betrayal.