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I think WackyJnr and myself should be mates


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that's dead controversial, I can't believe I'm the first to reply in it, I thought this hot potato would have had all the members falling over themselves to reply.


come on AF, you're far better at raising the hackles than this.


try harder


typical southerner, no effort, just a quick fix and wait for a northerner to do the hard graft

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that's dead controversial, I can't believe I'm the first to reply in it, I thought this hot potato would have had all the members falling over themselves to reply.


come on AF, you're far better at raising the hackles than this.


try harder


typical southerner, no effort, just a quick fix and wait for a northerner to do the hard graft



Ok..it was lame.


I'll try again!

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With your music and Wacky's poetry you could become the new Morrissey and Marr.




How does this sound?



Asprilla's Foreskin what's the score

You really are a fucking bore

Your patter's shit

You're such a Pric

You're starting to get on my fucking wick


I'll keep it short, straight and blunt

Piss off now you boring Cunt

Now if you thought the above was nasty

Console yourself with another pasty


A sad southern twat

Your posts are a farse

You really are a pain in the arse

I'll leave it there, no brownie points scored

Just please stop posting on this board


Any positive feedback would be appreciated.

Edited by Wacky Jnr
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With your music and Wacky's poetry you could become the new Morrissey and Marr.




How does this sound?



Asprilla's Foreskin what's the score

You really are a fucking bore

Your patter's shit

You're such a Pric

You're starting to get on my fucking wick


I'll keep it short, straight and blunt

Piss off now you boring Cunt

Now if you thought the above was nasty

Console yourself with another pasty


Any positive feedback would be appreciated.





Now tell him what you really think :blink:

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With your music and Wacky's poetry you could become the new Morrissey and Marr.




How does this sound?



Asprilla's Foreskin what's the score

You really are a fucking bore

Your patter's shit

You're such a Pric

You're starting to get on my fucking wick


I'll keep it short, straight and blunt

Piss off now you boring Cunt

Now if you thought the above was nasty

Console yourself with another pasty


Any positive feedback would be appreciated.





Now tell him what you really think :D



Might be a bit much to put on a forum so I'll stick with that


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From what i've heard this Wacky Jnr (where the fuck did he get that name from, sounds like Barrymore's pool cleaner) is a notoriously hard chap to get along with, i feel for his lass, well i feel her every Friday when Wacky is down the club sipping on his Pimm's and lemonade but that's not for here. :lol:

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Hey not all us southerners are bad I'll have you know  :lol:



Haven't got a problem with Southerners just AF




Let's talk about this problem Wacky, where did it originate, to me the geezer can be a complete knob and then again he can come across as a decent chap - but hey were here to discuss why you think he's a cockjockey so spill the beans.

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Hey not all us southerners are bad I'll have you know  :blink:



Haven't got a problem with Southerners just AF




Let's talk about this problem Wacky, where did it originate, to me the geezer can be a complete knob and then again he can come across as a decent chap - but hey were here to discuss why you think he's a cockjockey so spill the beans.



The title of this thread for a kick off. He's just looking for trouble the attention seeking R soul. TBH i haven't really got a problem with him i just like slagging people off and he always seems to be handy


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