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  2. Home after a mint weekend in Belgium for the cycle racing. Still blows my mind the war graves around Ypres. Please tell me Fist you were working on the A1 today. I saw a few of your trucks! Tell you what. Some stunning trucks in Belgie, I could easily become a truck perv.
  3. Haaland crocked, ankle injury, will miss most of the rest of the season (whatever that means).
  4. Just watched most of the club’s near three hour long YT coverage of the parade & the Town Moor show…. can anyone tell me which BBC channel Bruno was swearing live all over? Not bbc1/2? 🤔 Anyway, we didn’t go up the TM, mostly because I was bursting for a piss so we darted into the Wunderbar in the Gate…not somewhere I’d usually frequent but am sure you’ll agree it was a most fortunate diversion A lass definitely young enough to be my daughter turned to me at the bar and said “how long have you been waiting for a day like this?”…. I said “dunno, forty odd years…” Her: “wow! Do you want a shot of tequila??” me: “YES I FUCKIN DO!” So against my naturally shy and retiring persona I recorded the moment for posterity… (Not sure if my scarf/Russian sable hat combo was a bit overkill? 🤔 😆✊🏻) Oh and obviously this bet came in too, shared amongst 10 of us who got soaked in Birmingham Drove up early Saturday, met the lads at our mate’s pub in Gateshead to get weighed in and the Birtley Bastard who’d put the bet on greeted us this Landlord changed it up for notes, spent most of it on the day, no regrets ✊🏻
  5. Today
  6. Aye, its crossed my mind too, i don't recall having anything flu like but the only time i did test positive 3 years ago i just had overwhelming fatigue for about a week with very little in the way of fever. For a few months after Id just be floored with fatigue / high temp for 2-3 hours then fine again , ended up missing my gran passing over it. Aye Id usually be grand with walking 5 miles and take nothing out of me, i was done after just over 1 mile today. If I cant get a doc appt tomorrow I might just buy one of those randox general health kits as I can claim back from work and discounted as well.
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/plight-boys-men-democrats-wes-moore-gretchen-whitmer-rcna197129 Meanwhile, the Democrats may actually have had a penny drop moment and are now making winning over boys and men a priority. The problem is that I suspect that they're not going to do that properly, and instead of supporting the crafting of positive versions of masculinity and turning people's frustrations onto wealth inequality, they're likely just going to lecture them about how not to be incels.
  8. Being called Keith is bad enough but being a mackem called Keith? That’s what dignitas is for IMO.
  9. sounds about right. I've had 2 in the ballot this season, there's 6 home games left. bear in mind also we've had half a dozen or so home cup games. relying on the ballot alone your chances of a ticket are about in 1 in every 10. very soon the club will be taking in more money from the 14,000 or so tickets which go on sale each home game to members than they do for the 30 odd thousand season tickets. which is why any fucker harbouring any ambitions of getting one if a larger ground is built are living in cloud cuckoo land. on the contrary, once this comes in at newcastle, which it will, expect a cull on season ticket holders bending the rules as it is, facial recognition is just round the corner.....
  10. Hope you get sorted, or at least get a diagnosis. It's bollocks when your health let's you down.
  11. Wow, that fucking stinks. Making people pay a membership fee for the privilege of entering a ballot with that low of a success rate.
  12. Feeling incredibly shit for the past few months with tiredness, runny nose and brain fog, occasional pins and needles and thirstier than usual. Thought it was a side effect of the medication for the tinnitus / omeprazole for the GERD but came off them and no better, also thought it was a side effect of 3 young bairns . I have one that is up at 5:30 every morning, comes into our room then I cant get back to sleep. My gut is that its possibly Type 2 diabetes so going to ring the GP tomorrow if I can get an appointment. Brother had pre-diabetes just before his heart attack 10 years ago (genetic, im in the clear on that front!) Have had a full blood count done in the last few weeks with the GERD, thyroid and all clear. Wife has told me to man up and do more exercise
  13. The UK needs to retaliate. I don't know whether it will have any impact, but the more we let the prick do it to us without any response, the weaker we look. Fuck the US off entirely, retaliate to his tariffs, sort a trade deal with Europe and forget about getting a trade deal from Trump, cos it isn't going to happen.
  14. US is fucked, if these three are prepared to work together, they fucking hate each other.
  15. Nobody is trusting the Status Quo man on matters of taste, so you can pipe down.
  16. The way they're going they may might as well stretch the rules and.... "Give it to Arnie."
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